Deciding that you want a baby is a significant decision to make. There are so many things that you need to consider which includes how you’re going to raise the baby, feeding habits, clothing, health factors and schooling, amongst others. Before you get to those stages, conception is the first hurdle. Here are a few things to do when you are trying to get pregnant.

First of all, as a woman, go to the gynaecologist and get a pap smear. Also let them know that you are trying to fall pregnant so that they can give you advice tailored to your situation. The gynaecologist will check your reproductive health as well as for any atypical cells. If your pap smear results indicate that your reproductive system is functioning normally, ask them how long the contraceptive will take to leave your system. With some contraceptives your reproductive system could return to normal within a few weeks whereas others may take a couple of months. Having this information will prepare you for the weeks ahead. You won’t be rushing out for pregnancy test after a week or two because you are aware that the process will take time.

Next, your gynaecologist will advise you to take a folic acid supplement. You should start taking this as soon as you decide that you want a baby. It is suggested that you take the folic acid supplement at least one month before conception. Folic acid is imperative the healthy development of the baby within the first few weeks and months after conception.

Then you need to focus on your health. Are you eating healthy? You have to eat fruits and vegetables and drink enough water. A healthy body leads to a healthy reproductive system and a healthy pregnancy. If you have a stressful job, you will have to learn how to reduce your stress. Stress can affect fertility so you want to remain as calm as possible. Some light exercises or hobbies could take your mind of the stress factors.

Don’t forget about your partner. Men also need to adopt healthy habits. Eating wholesome foods such as fruit and vegetables can play a positive role in sperm production. If the man experiences any fertility issues, then the option to go to a fertility clinic is a good one.

There are quite a few things that you need to consider when you are trying get pregnant and it’s important that you follow doctor’s orders if you want to be successful.